Lockdown France – Stopping the Spread
Today is the first day of “Deconfinement”. The first day in France where the Lockdown is being relaxed after 55 days. The biggest worry on all our minds now is how to avoid a second spike in cases.
It’s compulsory to wear a face-mask on public transport and it is “recommended” to wear one outside of the home. Many people in France are wearing them, but after talking to family across the water, it seems that in the UK they aren’t.
I can’t believe that it’s still up for debate. Wearing masks saves lives. Studies show that wearing a mask stops the virus spreading by up to 90%. It’s been proven in all the countries where it’s been either obligatory or common place such as Taiwan and Czech Republic, the spread has been drastically reduced. So why isn’t everyone wearing one?
I understand that it seems strange. The first time I ventured out to the shops during lockdown I thought twice about it. I felt self-conscious, it seemed odd and over-the-top. BUT, when I arrived at the shops and saw most people wearing masks, then it seemed OK.
I know that wearing a mask may not necessarily stop you from catching the virus, but remember it:
- reduces the spread
- encourages people to keep their distance
- shows you are being responsible and considerate to others
- shows you don’t want to spread the virus.
A scarf, bandana or even made from a T-Shirt
It doesn’t have to be a medical one – in fact those should be reserved for the front-line workers. If you can’t buy one in the supermarket or the pharmacy, then make your own. If you haven’t got a sewing machine, here’s a no sew option that I’ve used to make masks for my family

Finally, here’s a poem I wrote you might like to share:

If you agree with me, could you please do me a favour? Please take a photo of yourself wearing a facemask and put it as your Social Media profile photo. Let’s make it it normal and responsible thing to do to #WearAMask #StopTheSpread