When we first moved to France back in 2004 we didn’t miss much, but we did crave for Branston Pickle. However, since discovering this delicious recipe, Branston no longer makes it onto our wish lists of goodies to ask for when we have visitors from the UK. In fact I struggle to think of anything now when I get the inevitable question “What would you like us to bring you from England?” “I don’t mind what you bring, as long as you don’t bring the weather,” is all I can think of these days.
I don’t often blog about food, mainly because so many people out there are doing such a fine job of it. BUT, it’s that time again, when the fig trees are laden with fruit, you’ve eaten your fill, you’ve made some jam and are wondering what else to do with the basketful of figs sitting on your table. Sound familiar? No? It must be just me then!
Anyway, for those of you who are lucky enough to have a fig tree in your garden, or (like me) have a generous French neighbour who delivers a basket of figs to your table, then here is one of my favourite recipes:
Fig Chutney
1.5kg Black figs quartered ( or any figs can be used)
1 kg sugar
3 onions chopped roughly
500g mixed raisins and sultanas
1 lt good quality red wine vinegar
2 teaspoons cayenne pepper
2 teaspoons paprika
2 teaspoons Ground ginger
2 teaspoons all spice
2 tablespoons chilli sauce (sweet or not up to you!)
6 garlic cloves crushed
salt and pepper
Place all ingredients together and bring to the boil, then simmer for 2 hours till good chutney consistency (whatever that is).
Jar…. This chutney gets better with age apparently, although we have never had it long enough to find out!