Where is it going this Covid-19? A poem

I know there’s not much else that anyone the world over is thinking about right now. Here’s a poem I wrote as the pandemic was just emerging… before we went into lockdown here in France on 17th March.
I saw the news a few weeks ago
There’s a new virus in China you know.
No need to worry, nothing to fear
There’s not much chance of it coming here
Cannot be heard, cannot be seen
Where is it going this COVID-19?
For most it is mild, no worse than flu
I’m not too worried, how about you?
For some it is bad, some fatalities too
The old and the sick, but that’s nothing new
Cannot be heard, cannot be seen
Where is it going, this COVID-19?
Emails from school, cancelling trips
Warnings to never put fingers to lips
Must wash our hands, must not handshake
The French double kiss a habit to break
Cannot be heard, cannot be seen
Where is it going, this COVID-19?
Fear is growing, it’s starting to spread
Deaths are increasing, filling my head
Flights being cancelled, rugby postponed
Old people frightened and staying at home
Cannot be heard, cannot be seen
Where is it going, this COVID-19?
Some start to panic, the hype takes its toll
Why do they need all that loo roll?
A country in lock down, stock markets fall
Should I be worried about it at all?
Cannot be heard, cannot be seen
Where is it going this COVID-19?
Shops are so quiet, here’s something new
Posted a parcel, with no need to queue!
Roads are empty, mind’s playing tricks
Like an apocalyptic film on Netflix
Cannot be heard, cannot be seen
Where is it going this COVID-19?
No need to panic, Trump shares his views
Nothing to fear, it’s only fake news!
Over the water, what’s Boris’ tip?
Lets all rely on that, stiff upper lip!
Cannot be heard, cannot be seen
Where is it going, this COVID-19?
Where will it take us? Nobody knows
Should we be scared, lock doors and windows?
Why is it happening? How will it end?
Is mother nature taking revenge?
Cannot be heard, Cannot be seen
Where is it going, this COVID-19?
Please don’t panic, it’s spreading its true
For some it is no worse than flu
The old and the sick or with low immune action
They are the ones who need our protection
Cannot be heard, cannot be seen
Where is going, this COVID-19?
Please don’t be selfish, please don’t stress
Think of the heroes at the NHS
Some maybe bored, feeling scared and alone
But the message is clear, just STAY AT HOME!
Cannot be heard, cannot be seen
But together we’ll beat this COVID-19!
Nikki McArthur
12 March 2020