Thieves Essential Oil Blend Homemade Recipes

I have been using the Thieves Essential Oil blend for quite a few years now and find it good for so many things. Since we’ve been on lockdown due to the Coronavirus, I’ve started using it even more. We have a diffuser on in the kitchen whenever the family gather (there are nine of us in the house), I’ve made liquid soap, cleaning spray to wipe down surfaces and hand sanitising gel. I can’t guarantee it will protect you, I’m not an expert so please don’t take what I say as gospel, but this is what I am using to protect my family.
The Origins of Thieves oil blend
Legend has it that during the plague “Black Death” in the Middle Ages, four thieves were caught and arrested for robbing the bodies of the dead. They were offered a more lenient sentence if they agreed to share how they had avoided catching the plague. Their secret was a concoction of herbs and spices mixed into a vinegar. It is said to originate from either Marseille or Toulouse in France from anywhere between the 14th and 18th century. The following is said to have been an original copy of the recipe posed on the walls of Marseilles during an episode of the plague:
Take three pints of strong white wine vinegar, add a handful of each of wormwood, meadowsweet, wild marjoram and sage, fifty cloves, two ounces of campanula roots, two ounces of angelic, rosemary and horehound and three large measures of champhor. Place the mixture in a container for fifteen days, strain and express then bottle. Use by rubbing it on the hands, ears and temples from time to time when approaching a plague victim.
Here is a modern day version that is widely used in slight variations. It certainly seems to help with a variety of ailments and smells great too:
Thieves Oil Blend Recipe
40 drops of clove oil
35 drops lemon oil
20 drops cinnamon oil
15 drops eucalyptus oil
10 drops rosemary oil
Mix together in dark glass bottle (you can use reuse an old essential oil bottle) and keep away from sunlight. Essential oils are very potent, so only a few drops can be very effective. This blend can then be added to water or oil depending on requirements (some suggestions for use are below).
Protect against and aid cold and flu symptoms
Mix 1 drop of Thieves oil blend with 4 drops of carrier oil (e.g. almond oil, jojoba oil, olive oil). Apply to feet, neck and behind ears.
Add around 10-15 drops in water in a diffuser.
Hand Sanitiser
2/3 cup 99 percent rubbing alcohol
1/3 cup aloe vera gel
8-10 drops of Thieves oil
Mix all the ingredients in a bowl, then pour into a suitable container.
All-Purpose Spray
Add 15-20 drops to 300ml of distilled water in a glass spray bottle. Shake well each use and use to clean work surfaces, tables, handles etc. Use like a regular spray cleaner. Can also be used as an air freshener and to disinfect mobile phones and computer keyboards (spray on a cloth before wiping down).
Liquid Soap
1/2 cup of distilled water
1/2 cup of liquid castile soap
1 teaspoon of Vitamin E oil
1 teaspoon of Almond oil
10-15 drops of Thieves oil
Mix all together (put water in first) and then transfer to a suitable container. I have mind in an empty washing up liquid bottle.
Floor Cleaner
Add about 10 drops to half a bucket of water to mop the floor
Add 4-5 drops in each load of washing to help really clean and deodorise clothes. Works wel with bedding
A Sore Throat
Add 2 drops to around 2 tablespoons of water and gargle if you have a sore throat. Do this a few times throughout the day – DO NOT SWALLOW
Headache Relief
Put a drop of thieves oil in a few drops of carrier oil and rub in temples.
Add a few drops into the soap dispenser to help deodorise and clean the dishes
Healing properties of each oil:
Clove Oil
Anthelmintic (anti parasitic), antibiotic, antiemetic (alleviates nausea), antihistaminic, antirheumatic, antineuralgic, anti-oxidant, antiseptic, antiviral, aphrodisiac, carminative, counter-irritant, expectorant, larvicidal, spasmolytic, stimulant, stomachic, vermifuge.
Acne, athletes foot, bruises, burns, cuts, mosquito repellent, ulcers, wounds. It is a good oil to boost the immune system for colds, flu and minor infections. It is best known as a quick cure for toothache, although is equally useful in digestive problems and muscular disorders. It can be used for treating asthma and bronchitis, arthritis, rheumatism, nausea, sinusitis and as a sedative. Clove is a powerful oil that has been used for the sterilisation of surgical instruments. It should not be used undiluted on the skin.
Lemon Oil
Anti-anaemic, antimicrobial, antirheumatic, antisclerotic, antiscorbutic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antitoxic, astringent, bactericidal, carminative, ciatrisant, depurative, diaphoretic, diuretic, febrifuge, haemostatic, hypotensive, insecticidal, rubefacient, stimulates white corpuscles, tonic, vermifuge.
Acne, anaemia, cuts, insect bites, mouth ulcers, arthritis, high blood pressure, congestion, poor circulation, rheumatism, asthma, throat infections, bronchitis, catarrh, dyspepsia, colds, flu, fever and infections.
Cinnamon oil
Anthelmintic, antidiarrheal, antidote (to poison), antimicrobial, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiputrescent, aphrodisiac, astringent, carminative, digestive, emmenagogue, haemostatic, orexigenic, parasiticide, refrigerant, spasmolytic, stimulant (circulatory, cardiac, respiratory), stomachic, vermifuge.
Lice, tooth and gum care, wasp stings, poor circulation, rheumatism, diarrhoea, dyspepsia, intestinal infection, sluggish digestion, stimulates contractions in childbirth, chills, colds, flu, infections diseases, nervous exhaustion and stress-related conditions.
Eucalyptus oil
Analgesic, antineuralgic, antirheumatic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral, balsamic, cicatrisant, decongestant, deodorant, depurative, diuretic, expectorant, febrifuge, hypoglycaemic, parasiticide, prophylactic, rubefacient, stimulant, vermifuge, vulnerary.
Burns, blisters, cuts, herpes, insect bite, insect repellent, lice, skin infections, wounds, muscular aches and pains, poor circulation, rheumatoid arthritis, sprains, asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, coughs, sinusitis, throat infections, cystitis chickenpox, colds, flu, measles, headaches neuralgia. NOT TO BE INJESTED.
Rosemary oil
Analgesic, antimicrobial, antioxidant, antirheumatic, antiseptic, antspasmodic, aphrodisiac, astringent, carminative, cephalic, cholagogue, cholertic, cicatrisant, cordial, cytophylactic, diaphoretic, digestive, diuretic, emmenagogue, fungicidal , hepatic, hypertensive, nervine, parasiticide, restorative, rubefacient, stimulant (circulatory, adrenal cortex, hepatobiliary), stomachic, sudorific, tonic (nervous, general), vulnerary.
Acne, dandruff, dermatitis, eczema, insect repellent, promotes hair growth, regulates seborrhoea, scabies, stimulates scalp, lice, varicose veins, fluid retention, gout, muscular pain, palpitations, poor circulation, rheumatism, asthma, bronchitis, whooping cough, colitis, dyspepsia, flatulence, hepatic disorders, hypercholesterolaemia, jaundice, dysmenorrhoea, colds, flu, infections, headaches, hypotension, neuralgia, mental fatigue, nervous exhaustion and stress-related disorders.